Category Archives: Tenure and Promotion

Talk Session Proposal

I’m interested in leading a group conversation to discuss the current Guidelines for Faculty Teaching New-Media Arts that is published by CAA, and can be found here:; the context for this discussion is that I am a current member of CAA’s Professional Practice Committee (PPC) and leading a team of 8 (including myself) on a two-year process to redevelop the existing guidelines.

In year one (Feb. 2013-14) – we are surveying the field, interviewing a number of stakeholders, and additionally, we would like to hold a forum / discussion at CAA to gain further input and raise awareness. In year two (Feb 2014-15) – the team of 8 will expand to 12~14 and the analysis, distillation, and writing process will commence.  It is our hope to submit updated guidelines for ratification at the May 2016 CAA board meeting.  Thus far, we remain on schedule.

Its incredibly important to hear from individuals working at all ends of the spectrum, at all levels of academic rank and administration, from professionals whose research is within, intersecting with, and adjacent to the field.

-Paul Catanese